Hi! Today I'm going to talk about Liberty printed.
For people who hasn´t heard me talk about them, it´s not the case of Marta, who know what they are by heart, Liberty is a patterned bassed on little flowers all over the garment. This patterned is good for everything: t-shirt, accessories… even trainers! Moreover, the flowers fits in every tipe of body constitution, they make you neither fatter or shorter. Please don´t let this fad goes!If you don't have any outfit with liberty printed...come on! what are you waiting for? Now Marta will give you some ideas:
Look this beautiful Mango dress it's perfect it is above knees, with a simple brown belt. Therefore it is a dress with shoulder straps it doesn't matter your body constitution, I mean it doesn't matter if you have a lot breast or not; the dress will suit you and you will look like Serena or Blair, I mean you will be as stylish as them.

Look this beautiful trainers the fact is that Annie is planning to buy them they are beautiful, I know you are agree with me but she has a problem she is undecided she doesn't know what pair of trainers she should choose. So come on help her and leave your comment giving your opinion. Annie in my opinion you should choose the purple ones. Both of them are designed by Munich.
[ In the end Ana has buy neither of them, I´ve now a grey and pink ones designed by puma, sorry Marta, I hadn´t told you. The blog is absolutely perfect, good job, now you are the one who have to practise :)]

I have bought recently a pair of liberty shorts by Zara and they are gorgeous. So I am going to show you them, if you buy a pair of shorts with liberty printed you will should combine them with a simple t-shirt without printed.

Maybe you are that kind of girl that prefers skirts instead of trousers, so in this case I give you two ideas, the first skirt has light colours and it is really short and the second one is larger than the first one and in dark colours. Anyway both of them are really stylish.

Then I'm going to show you a beautiful little handbag that has been designed by sfera with liberty printed in pink, green and red shades. This handbag is really cheap, its price is 10,95€.

So we are done. We hope you like our first fashion post we will blog more, so continue following us! And if you don't have your garment with liberty printed yet...come on go shopping and get yours!
You know you love us you know we love you.